Google Flight Simulator : Have a nice google flight

Google Earth has an awesome flight simulator in it which in my personal opinion is the best simulator ever.That's why I decided to post about it!

Starting With Google Earth

1. Make sure you have the latest version of Google Earth which could  be downloaded from

2. Open Google Earth. Select Tools>Enter Flight Simulator.
Or simply press Ctrl+Alt+A.You will see a window that looks like the following:
Google Earth comes pre-loaded with the F16 and the SR22 air-crafts.The F16 fighter is really fast and the SR22 is not so fast. But for beginners we recommend SR22.Google Earth comes with a list of few airports to choose from.


Increase Thrust Page Up
Decrease Thrust Page Down
Left Brake , (Comma)
Right Brake . (Period)
Elevator Push Up Button
Elevator Pull Down Button
Rudder Left Shift+Left Arrow
Rudder Right Shift+Right Arrow
Center Aileron and Rudder C
Extend or Retract Landing Gear G
Toggle HUD on/off H
Increase Flaps F
Decrease Flaps Shift+F
Rotate Viewpoint Ctrl+Arrows for fast or Alt+Arrows for slow

The mouse could be used to control the steering.


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