Video Game Health Hazards : Tips for gamers

If you are one of billions of gamers out there read this post with care because you may consider stop gaming at all!!!Video gamers are vulnerable all computer related problems.Often many gamers aren't using computer's in proper posture.Psychological impacts are well visible in gamers. Oldies say you judge a person by his friends but now i think it's better to analyze a person by the type of games he play!
After all gaming is not a sin . Many games develop Spatial awareness,Iconic skills (reading images or diagrams),Visual attention skills (such as keeping track of various objects at the same time),Attention span in children with attention problems.What that matters is the type of game you play!!

Health Issues

1.Musculoskeletal problems : Gamers Often Suffer from pain in the hands and wrists, back and neck.Ergonomic measures could improve postural problems associated with video game playing.Overuse injuries to the hand can be caused by repeatedly pressing buttons on a computer or video game controller

2.Skin problems : Nintendinitis, tendon injuries (tendinosis) of the hands and wrists in Nintendo players has been associated with skin ulceration.

3.Obesity : Often TV is associated with Obesity .But since gaming is also sedative it causes Obesity.

4.Eyestrain : Eyes that are focused at the same distance point for lengthy periods of time become fatigued. Symptoms include blurry vision and headache

5.Photosensitive epileptic seizures : Photosensitive epilepsy is a relatively rare condition characterised by seizures in response to flickering light. A very small percentage of electronic game players may be sensitive to some games that feature rapidly flashing graphics.

Prevention Tips

1.Make sure your child sits at least one metre back from the screen. Also adjust the screen resolution so that it does least strain to eye.Make sure the screen is adjusted properly for contrast and brightness.

2.Set time limit for gaming and take regular breaks.

3.Use an ergonomic chair if possible.

4.Make sure that you don't play games with fast moving screens and lot of violence.They can alter your mental health.

5.Using unnecessary force increases the risk of overuse, so push the buttons and other controls as gently as you can.

6.If you are a regular gamer do regular exercise as well.


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