Poor Man's System Lock : Different ways to lock a Windows computer without any software

Hey guys, many of you might know only one or even two ways to lock Windows.. but there are actually three interesting ways!

One, press winkey + L.

Two, Click on start -->  under shutdown category, Lock.

The third one is for lazy people as such as me :D Its a 30 seconds work to reduce the work of locking your system with just a click. :D

 For this, Create a shortcut button *right click -->  new --> shortcut* with the location ‘rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation’ without quotes

Save it with any name you wish. You can either put this under quick launch or the desktop or where ever you feel to make best use. Also, u can choose your own logo for the app. 

Lock Windows with just a click and enjoy :)


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