Windows Administrator Password Hack - Sticky Key Vulnerability

Hey, i guess you might have read How to Hack Windows Administrator Password if not I would recommend you to read it first.Well buddy ,consider this you want to make a computer hackable and then hack it any time later when you feel a need.This is indeed a simple hack which almost everyone can do.This exploit works well for Windows Xp and may work for other windows Os as well.(Please Check it).

1.Go to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sethc.exe"and store "sethc.exe "somewhere safely(We need this backup to restore).

2.Delete "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sethc.exe".

3.Rename "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" as "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sethc.exe"

4.Reboot your computer and press shift key 5 times or more and Cmd will come. 
Type "net user admin-name password "(without quotes),where admin-name is the account name and password is desired password.

Disadvantage of this hack is that you need administrative access to do this modification and advantage is once after setting this you can hack into the system anytime as you wish.

To Restore this ,rename "Cmd.exe" and also replace "sethc.exe " with original file that we backed up earlier..


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