Google Calculator : Google's built in Calculator

Google calculator is a built-in feature of Google and the funny thing is the fact that we , the die hard Google fans often use it unknowingly.You can do many things like adding up a list of numbers, convert from litres to gallons, or evaluate some other mathematical expression(sin,cos and all that crap) with Google’s built-in calculator function.Believe me , Google Calculator is gonna give you freedom from your calculator, or a computer math software program.

All the standard arithmetic operations are possible.

Operator Function Example
+ Addition Operation 135.99 + 32.50 + 13.25 ]
Subtraction Operation 729 – 138 – 119 ]
* Multiplication Operation 2 * 3 * 7*34.55 ]
/ Division Operation 3738 / 9 ]
^ or ** Exponentiation Operation 54^10 ] or [ 54**10 ]
% of Percentage of 25% of 193.45 ]
mod or % Modulo Operation (finds remainder after division) 15 mod 9 ] or [ 15 % 9 ]
the nth root of computes the nth root 4th root of 16 ]; [ cube root of 1019 ]; [ square root of 424 ] or [ sqrt(424) ]

Now if you say, you are a serious mathematical genius and wants more from Google calculator......then here you go....

Operator/Constant Function Example
sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, etc. Trigonometric functions (arguments must be in radians) cos(pi/6) ]; [ cosine(pi/6) ]
arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccsc, etc. Inverse trigonometric functions arccos(.5) ]
sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, arsinh, arccsch, etc. Hyperbolic functions cosh(6) ]
ln Logarithm base e ln(16) ]
log Logarithm base 10 log(16) ]
lg Logarithm base 2 lg(16) ]
exp Exponential function exp(16) ]
! Factorial 5! ]
choose x choose y calculates the number of ways of choosing a set of y elements from a set of x distinct elements 5 choose 3 ]
pi Ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle pi/6 ]
i Imaginary number, i, which represents one of the two square roots of -1 i^2 ]
gamma Euler’s constant, gamma e^gamma ]

Now lets move onto Conversions and Units

Type of Units Examples
Currency Australian Dollars (AUD), British pounds (GBP), Euros, US Dollars (USD) , INR ,Yen
Mass kilogram or kg, grams or g, grains, pounds or lbs, carats, stones, tons, tonnes
Length meters or m, miles, feet, Angstroms, cubits, furlongs
Volume gallons, liters or l, bushels, teaspoons, pints
Area square kilometers, acres, hectares
Time days, seconds or s,minutes, centuries, sidereal years, fortnights
Electricity volts, amps, ohms, henrys
Energy Calories, British thermal units (BTU), joules, ergs, foot-pounds
Power watt, kilowatts, horsepower or hp
Information bits, bytes, kbytes, terabytes,etc.
Quantity dozen, baker’s dozen, percent, gross, great gross, score, googol
Angle degree, radian
Numbering systems decimal, hexadecimal or hex, octal, binary, roman numerals, etc. Prefix hexadecimal numbers with 0x, octal numbers with 0o and binary numbers with 0b. For example: 0×7f + 0b10010101.


  • 92.6 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Celsius ]
  • 1230 lbs in kg ]
  • 130 lbs in grams ]
  • 65 mph in meters per second ] or
  • 635 mph in km/h ]

  • You can have even physical constants in Google Calculator

    Long Name Shorthand Notation Click the Link for the Approximate Value
    atomic mass units amu amu ] or [ atomic mass unit ]
    Astronomical Unit au au ] or [ astronomical unit ]
    Avogadro’s number N_A ] or [ Avogadro’s number ]
    Boltzmann constant k k ] or [ Boltzmann constant ]
    electric constant, permittivity of free space epsilon_0 ]
    electron mass m_e ] or [ electron mass ]
    electron volt eV eV ] or [ electron volt ]
    elementary charge elementary charge ]
    Euler’s constant Euler’s constant ]
    Faraday constant Faraday constant ]
    fine-structure constant fine-structure constant ]
    gravitational constant G G ] or [ gravitational constant ]
    magnetic flux quantum magnetic flux quantum ]
    mass of each planet and of the sun m_mars ], [ m_earth ], [ m_uranus ], …, [ m_sun ]
    molar gas constant molar gas constant ]
    permeability of free space permeability of free space ]
    Planck’s constant h h ] or [ Planck’s constant ]
    proton mass m_p ] or [ proton mass ]
    radius of each planet and of the sun r_earth ], [ r_pluto ], …, [ r_sun ]
    Rydberg constant Rydberg constant ]
    speed of light in a vacuum c c ] or [ speed of light ]
    speed of sound in air at sea level speed of sound ]
    Stefan-Boltzmann constant Stefan-Boltzmann constant ]

    Parentheses ( ) can be used as you like to make your expression more meaningful.

    That's Google Calculator ! Hope you loved it!

    Note : This post contains parts adopted from


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