Microsoft Paint Tricks tutorial guide : Poor man's Photoshop

1.Applying Trails

Image before applying trails

Image after applying trails

You can really apply trails in Microsoft paint by doing a simple trick
  1. Open an image in Mspaint.
  2. Right-click the image and select 'select all'
  3. Hold the 'Shift' key and move the image around to draw it with trails. 
2.Changing Brush sizes :
Brush tool

Line tool
  1. Open paint
  2. Hold down 'Ctrl' and press '+' to increase brush size .
  3. Hold down 'Ctrl' and press '-' to decrease brush size .

3.Use grid :
    Click to view better
  1. Zoom your picture to either 6x or 8x by using magnifier tool and press 'Cltrl' + 'G'.

4.Scale images

  1. Select an image.
  2. To increase size hold down 'Ctrl' and press '+' .
  3. To decrease size hold down 'Ctrl' and press '-'. 

5.Create custom brush
  1. Open paint and draw a small shape as in figure.
  2. Go to Image menu and uncheck 'Draw opaque'.
  3. Now select the shape .Holding down shift draw pictures.

Before stamping

  1. Open picture on which stamping is done and picture to be stamped.
  2. Turn Draw Opaque off and copy the image to be stamped.
  3. Paste it on other picture.
  4. Now Drag the image to the required place.
  5. Hold shift and click once.
  6. Release shift and drag the picture again to new location.

7.color replacement
If you found that you want to replace some color you can do it so with the eraser tool.In the primary color box, select the color that you don't like that you want to erase. In the secondary color box, select the color you want to replace said exiled color with.Now just erase the unwanted color.



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